How To Stop Worrying, Overthinking and Start Living

by Janet Elaine
How to stop worrying overthinking and start living. Woman hiding intuguide
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Worry has become a big emotional health issue for many. The constant worrying and overthinking about things like jobs, bills, health, relationships, relatives, children, and so on, becomes a habit and keeps many lying awake at night.

It’s ok to worry about these basic things from time to time and to take care of them, as they play an important role in our daily lives.

The problem appears when many people find it hard to get through the day without feelings of worry. Some people describe their situation as a constant personal struggle:

I worry all the time about everything. Even though there are no signs of problems, I just feel very sad. I can’t concentrate at my work and have a hard time falling asleep at night. I also feel angry at some people in my family all the time.

When constant worry dominates our attention, it can lead to anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, and can turn someone’s life into a nightmare. It becomes harder and harder to simply work, enjoy life and relax. Unrelenting anxiety and fear can drain emotional and physical energy in a debilitating manner.

Here are some symptoms that anxious thoughts can lead to:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Inability to sleep (insomnia) or interrupted sleep.
  • Change in appetite (loss of appetite or overeating)
  • Inability to control emotions
  • Having constant pessimistic thoughts
  • Feelings of anger, guilt, irritability, and anxiety
  • Inability to experience joy and happiness
  • Poor concentration and reduced motivation
  • Low / decreased energy levels

Why do we think that worrying about something is important? Most of the time worrying helps us to think about the potential outcome and be prepared for it. The problem with this approach is that we start to think about the potential negative scenario all the time.

According to quantum physics theory, everything in the universe is an infinite field vibrating consequentially. Everything consists of the electron field where electrons and other particles have localized vibrations in the field. The entire universe is made of fields that play a vast, subatomic symphony.

When it comes to experiencing a range of emotions, the same vibration process applies to our energy field. This experience is often described as living in “the world of mirrors” where the projected feelings and emotions create a new reality and reflect it back to us.

According to the Law of Attraction, when you focus on something you don’t need, you are going to get what you don’t need. Reality will respond to your focus, and whatever you are focusing on will become part of your reality, whether you want it or not. No thought, word, or action goes unnoticed. Whatever we project into our lives becomes our reality.

Sometimes, however, our destiny is “written in stars” and certain catastrophes do happen. Such events are not our fault and they tend to happen everywhere, and at any given time. What life brings is not as important as our reaction to these unfortunate events. Our reaction to unexpected events is what causes emotional imbalance.

This is when we start to worry daily until it becomes a habit. And just like other behaviors and habits, it can be changed.


How Bad Habits Develop

Depression anxiety sad depressed girl intuguide

By Kyle Broad on Unsplash

Negative thinking becomes a habit that is hard to get rid of. We constantly worry about something that might happen to us by justifying and validating our feelings of worry. But in reality, it could be just a product of our thinking.

Thoughts of worry may lead to constant feelings of anxiety and depression, eventually bringing an intense focus on unwanted life scenarios. Whether it was a bad day, stressful feelings about finances, or loved ones, these emotions come from a negative emotional spectrum. Focusing on a problem feels different from focusing on a solution.

When we think about negative things all the time, it attracts negative outcomes. People prefer to think negatively all the time because when bad things become reality, they don’t hurt much.

We tend to think that worry is beneficial to us because we are prepared for all possible negative scenarios and ways to avoid them. Unfortunately, by constantly thinking about negative thoughts, we create a reality in which we feel helpless.

By thinking in a negative light, we also fail to listen to our inner emotional and spiritual guidance. This is why worrying never feels good and never leads to what we hope it will lead to — a solution.

When we focus on a problem, it is more difficult to find a solution. The individuals who worry all the time live in constant fear that the potential worst-case scenario is impossible to avoid. They believe that no matter what they expect, it is inevitable.

Imagine someone with a terminal illness, for example. When they believe they are not going to recover or there is no hope left for them, they are not focusing on a solution to their problem. They create their version of a negative reality instead.

People who tend to worry all the time will rarely feel safe and happy. They are so focused on the worst-case scenario that this is the only scenario they expect to happen. Eventually, they will even think of death as a much better option than aligning their minds with the thoughts of truth.

Focusing on the worst-case scenario distorts their reality, prevents them from seeing a true reality, and makes the present moment “non-existent.”


How To Stop Worrying, Overthinking, and Start Living

Below you will find 7 practical tips on how to combat the habits of worry and anxiety that you can use daily.

  1. Start to observe your thoughts and feelings. Don’t try to block or control them, but simply detect them and observe where they are coming from, what they are developing into, etc. Acknowledge that these thoughts are the reason you are feeling sad all the time.
  2. Realize that thinking and feeling anxious thoughts are not going to bring any good into your life. Learn how to quiet your mind and make it calm and still. By stopping the flow of negative thoughts, it is easier to pay less attention to unwanted thoughts. Ask yourself, how your life looks like without these sad or angry thoughts. Make a list of these sad thoughts that you are thinking about.
  3. Evaluate your current situation and turn your worries into productive thoughts. For example, instead of constantly worrying about being late, think about the steps you are going to take to fix this problem. Make a list of steps of how you are going to do it. These steps will help you to shift from the problem to a solution.
  4. Do you tend to imagine worst-case scenarios often? Is the problem you are thinking about just a part of your imagination, or is it your conclusion based on anxious thoughts? If so, this is not a problem at all but only an assumption. In this case, try to live in the present moment. Try not to project this assumption into the future because it will only make things worse. A feeling of uncertainty is much better than thinking about the worst-case scenario that may keep you awake at night. Realize that it’s not possible to do everything right.
  5. Do you often worry about what others think? In this case, focus all of your attention on understanding them. Why they are paying attention to these things? Take a look at these people as an outside observer, not as a vulnerable human being or a victim. Try to see it from the big-picture perspective.
  6. Realize that life is not about winning or losing, but simply enjoying the process. This will put your worries at ease. When people walk in a park, they don’t think about arriving at the end of the trail quickly, instead, they want to enjoy the walk. Try to think about the good things instead of the bad and what you enjoy the most in your life journey.
  7. Mindful meditation practice or prayer is a good way to stop anxious thoughts. If you are a believer, and you have feelings of worry all the time, train yourself to fully trust God to transform your life. Prayers will bring peace and a better understanding of your specific situation.

Incorporate these simple tips on how to stop worrying, and overthinking and start living into your daily life and see the difference. Only worry about the things you can change.

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